FO: My First Sweater!

Well, my first sweater is finished!! This is an easy pattern to follow but I had to make some modifications as I ran into a couple of problems.

Neck band was too small using the smaller ndls the pattern called for; had to frog and re-do with the larger needles.

On the first sleeve I attempted, I ran out of decrease rows long before I should have. The pattern called for a decrease round every 3 rows and was expecting to end up with the sleeve length that I needed. Well, that was not to be. So I did some simple math and figured I needed to decrease every 6 rows; it worked. :wink:

This was a fun knit even with the problems I ran in to. Next time I know what to expect and what to look out for before I get too far along and end up re-doing.

Thank you all for all your nice comments on my last post when I was just starting this cute little sweater. I am happy with the way it turned out and have more yarn to knit another one.

Looks great!

Beautiful colors…looks fantastic!!! :muah:

That looks really cute. Love the colors.

Very cute! It looks great in the self patterning yarn!

GREAT WORK!:cheering: On your first sweater!

Oh, that’s so cute! How old is the baben you made it for?

What a pretty sweater! Love the colors!

Thank you! He is 20 months. I won’t see him until Sunday and can’t wait to try it on him!

So cute! I bet he will love it.

That is just beautiful! Great work!

Good job!!! I love the colours!

That’s beautiful!

What yarn did you use on that?

Thank you, cristeen! The yarn is Universal Classic Worsted Tapestry; it’s an acrylic/wool blend.

so cute! good job!

:woohoo: Great job. Very impressive for a first sweater.

Great sweater!

How did you like the Universal Classic Worsted Tapestry? I have some stashed but have never used it.

Thank you, ah!

I like knitting with it, the sweater turned out cushy. I did find if my needles tips were somewhat sharp, the yarn would easily split. I haven’t washed the sweater yet and do hope that it will soften up a bit.

When I bought the yarn, I thought it was plain ole’ varigated. Fun to start seeing a pattern emerge!

My grandson tried on the sweater today and it fits!

How fun to find that the sweater fits as well as looks terrific! Kudos on being brave enough to try it. And even more for succeeding so spectacularly!

Nice -I like the colors - thanks for sharing!
