Well, my first sweater is finished!! This is an easy pattern to follow but I had to make some modifications as I ran into a couple of problems.
Neck band was too small using the smaller ndls the pattern called for; had to frog and re-do with the larger needles.
On the first sleeve I attempted, I ran out of decrease rows long before I should have. The pattern called for a decrease round every 3 rows and was expecting to end up with the sleeve length that I needed. Well, that was not to be. So I did some simple math and figured I needed to decrease every 6 rows; it worked.
This was a fun knit even with the problems I ran in to. Next time I know what to expect and what to look out for before I get too far along and end up re-doing.
Thank you all for all your nice comments on my last post when I was just starting this cute little sweater. I am happy with the way it turned out and have more yarn to knit another one.