FO My first ever knitted sock

You (and others) have inspired me to attempt my first sock. I don’t have the yarn yet, but I do have the dp needles. Your first sock is wonderful!

You did good! Can’t wait to see how you feel about the toe on this second sock.

Congratulations! Nice job! :thumbsup:

very nice job! good work!! isn’t it fun?

Congratulations! Your first sock looks fantastic! I’m sure your dh will cherish them.

I find grafting toes, for me, to be hit and miss. I just bought “Knitting Circles Around Socks”; she has a nice illustration of Kitchener stitch that actually makes more sense to me, as I have something to visualize and am hoping my next grafting session is a little more successful.

great job! I am a newbie to socks too and on my 3rd pair! I love them!!!