FO: I finished my first sweater!


I’m so happy. When I started knitting, back in November, I never imagined that I’d be able to knit a sweater, but I did…i did…I did!

ETA: The sweater is meant for my niece, but my “model” was so gracious to let me take a pic.

Yeah!!! That’s great! I did my first one 3 mos after I started knitting, too. In fact I’m wearing it right now! :teehee:

:cheering: You should be VERY proud of yourself.

That’s one cute model! :wink:

That looks great :muah: I’m working on a ribbed sweater, which will be my first pull over, and with all the switching from K3 to P2 back and forth i keep thinking that maybe i should have done a sweater that looks like yours. It’s an awesome first sweater :mrgreen: .

Very pretty and what a good looking “model” so cute.

Sorry…didn’t realize I put this post in the wrong forum :oops:

Thank you all for the support. I was tempted to quite, turn the sweater into a scarf, but I’m glad I kept going.

Great job! It looks great! What pattern did you use? I made my first sweater after 5 months of knitting. I learned to knit Dec. 05

I bet you’re really good now! I’m trying to push myself to do more challenging projects.

Here’s the pattern:

It’s actually a custom fit, one-piece sweater. I took a sweater class and this is the pattern that the instructor used. I’m sure that you’ll be able to follow it easily, but if you need help, just let me know :slight_smile:

How adorable—the sweater is cute too- :wink:

:cheering: :cheering: :cheering:

Good for you! That is a good knitting milestone!

It took me a long time before I started a sweater and am impressed with how many of you do this so quickly! :happydance:

That is FANTASTIC! Great job! :cheering:

What a great job for a first sweater. He looks so happy!

Knitting for only 3 months & finished a sweater?!?! WoW!!! GREAT job!!!