FO - Halfbraided scarf - Fingerknitting

One is for elegance
Two is for warmth
Three is for braid

I had some left over yarn from my previous project, and it was good thick yarn, so I finger knit it into finger-knit strands.

Actually, only 2 of those strands would be acceptable as a scarf, held together and wrapped around the neck. I tried. But I wanted something not that simple.

I made more strands and braided one end (It’s a 8-strand-braid)

The other end is quite loose, I like that effect of both complexity and simplicity.

Here I go, dating myself again, but I used to be a full fledged, Haight Ashbury hippie (no, we’re not dead). We’d make crocheted tubes of yarn and braid them, sell them to the tourists who were looking at the weirdo’s (this worked best in the fall and winter, during the summer it was beads and BF Goodrich sandals.) Your idea takes that one step further, I really like it and the way it came out.

It’s very you, to do something unusual and creative, and have it work out so well.

Very unique! Love new ideas!!

Agree totally - very neat!!

Very ingenious! Good work!