FO--Finally finished my first actual sock!

I’m so excited! I finally finished my first sock! Actually, I’m not quite as pleased with the outcome as I’d expected. There are a couple of errors, but I’ve learned how to fix most of them. Some loose stitches around the gusset bug me. But I’ll do better on the second one!

Sorry about the picture quality. I need to do more outdoor photography or learn to play with lighting! :frowning:

It looks great from here, but I know from experience how frustrating those errors are. Call them a learning experience and start the second sock! :wink:

Looks good to me too! I guess I need to get some inexpensive yarn for my first pair cuz I know they will have some things that aren’t quite right the first time around that I’ll be able to do better with on the next pair.


I think it looks great too!! Just think of those little mistakes as your brain learning a brand new skill-and I’m sure the next sock will be even better, and you’ll be able to be proud of your progress!

Pretty color too!! :thumbsup:

Looks great! I love the color. Don’t wait too long to start the second sock.

It looks great to me!

:happydance: it looks great!!

Great job!

Congratulations! That first sock is always done with breath held. Now, release and relax!


Looks nice! :yay:

:thumbsup:Great job!

It fits you and that’s impressive in a first sock!

Way to go! I tried and got frustrated very quickly, frogged it and will start again when I feel better, perhaps next week.

Wonderful colour. Keep up the good work and CO that second sock while you still remember all the things you want to do next time!

i think it looks great. i love the color!!

Nice job! It looks good!

Well done…And don’t forget that we learn from our mistakes.
Hope this is the first of many socks x