FO: Black Forest stash scarf!

Well I’m really digging up some stash! Yarn that is also way too expensive to let go wasted. Gah! I admit, when we were on vacation back in 2008, I stumbled across a little LYS in a teensy mountain town…and she had the most incredible yarn…and I impulsively bought all the Naturwolle she had. :shrug: Her little shop was set up in what would be the ‘sitting room’ of her little cottage on Main Street. At the time, the shop was named [B]The Loose Blue Moose[/B]. Now how cute is that! She had me at Hello.

This scarf used up every last gram of the yarn! Now THAT feels good.
(Naturwolle Black Forest Yarn, by Muench Yarns, Germany)

This little 2x2 ribbed scarf, simple as it looks, really kicked my butt. Talk about fussy! Gah!

On a 3rd GO, I finally arrived at a good color scheme and pattern numbers!

Here are my project notes.

This photo is unblocked. 3-1/2" x 55"

I put blocking wires into the side edges of the scarf, pinned it out to 6" x 52"…and lightly misted the scarf. When it’s dry I’m hoping it will hold the 6" width. If not, I still don’t think it will snap back to the 3-1/2". It will be wider than that.

Very cool!!!

That’s a great looking scarf–and a very efficient one (yarn wise, not time wise), too!

Your eye for color, balance, and design is incredible. Again, very nice.

Wonderful little scarf! :cheering:

Great colour distribution, looks crisp and effortless. Great design, worth the time spent.


Wow! Great-looking even if butt-kicking while in progress. Worth the effort, wouldn’t you say? :thumbsup:

Beautiful scarf! The color scheme looks so pleasing and natural you’d never know that it took a bit of doing. Lovely work and finished project.

The scarf is done blocking, and it turned out be PERFECT! Just as I’d hoped, it retained the greater width! Before blocking it was 3.5", ribbing being a powerful entity…but after blocking, it is staying put at 5". YAY!