FO: Avast with DNA/Double Helix Modification

Hooray, I finished! (here’s the detail) The pattern was very clear and easy to follow. I replaced the original bottom border with Jean Oshiros Double Helix pattern because DH has a Phd in neurosciences and did his dissertation on DNA damage.

I used Filatura Lanarota Luxury Cashmere that I got on sale at Smileys. Unfortunately, I bought the last of her charcoal grey - I knew I would be cutting it close, but I ran out of yarn before I could do the plackets along the zipper or the bottom edge. Fortunately, DH likes the unfinished look.

I don’t sew, so I had to take it to a tailor to have the zipper put on. They did a very nice job!

My only advice if you are making this for your husband: It is very fitted through the middle section. VERY. My husband is a regular-sized guy and I had to really block out the bottom section so that it would drape properly (I don’t know if it will hold).

Wow that is a great sweater. Seeing the double helix border made me chuckle because I studied molecular bio/biochem in university :slight_smile:

A fantastic sweater and love the colour!

Wow, that’s a great sweater! I love the border. Nice work.

Nice work. It looks great.

Great job! It turned out beautiful!

:woot: it looks great!!!

Looks great!

That’s really cool! Great job!

Hey Bip! Wonderful work! What a great accomplishment! I love the simplicity of the jacket! Millions of well-knit stitches!

Thanks for sharing your work and the links with us. I saved both patterns. I have been looking for a simple style man’s jacket. It is hard to find patterns that are a clean, simple line.

Absolutely beautiful!! You did such a good job.

Looks great! Nice job.