FO--Autumn Rose

:notworthy: :notworthy: That is just STUNNING!!! and it fits you to a T!!! I can’t believe that’s your first fair isle project!!

Stunning sweater, as are you! Thanks for sharing your photo with us!

:passedout: Love it!! very pretty

It wasn’t really hard…just time consuming and I had to get use to working with two colors at once. I did have questions here and there but thanks to my Internet friends (here and at the Autumn Rose KAL) I never got stuck for too long!

I can’t believe it was my first either! Overall I’m pretty happy and I’ll definitely try it again.

/great job!!! I love the colors!

Kemp, that sweater is FANTASTIC!!! I just cannot believe it’s your first attempt at fair isle!


I am a huge fan of your work. It’s always stunning! You and ArtLady could open up a boutique of knitted clothing…y’all are just so talented! :thumbsup:

That looks amazingly professional. You did a wonderful job and it looks outstanding on you.


Have to agree,that is one beautiful sweater, congratulations!

That is such a beautiful pattern, and you did an amazing job with it. And you’re totally rockin’ it!

Thanks again everyone! I’ve already worn it a couple of times :teehee:

You are so sweet Auburn chick :blush: I really appreciate the compliment.

Stunning! I am in complete awe! I have been trying Fair Isle and i just can’t seem to get my tension right. I am drowning in puckers. Congrats to you - beautiful work to be proud of!!

Your sweater turned out perfect. That is a sweater to wear with pride. Looks great on you.

Wow - that is amazing.


Wow, it looks gorgeous, that is really beautiful! Great job!

It looks great! Love the colour combination! :yay:

You’d be amazed how much wet blocking helps with that. lf you still have one of your puckered swatches try soaking it and then pinning it out to see if it relaxes.

Those colors look great on you


Incredibly gorgeous sweater! I’m at a loss for words.