I know how to do a regular 3 needle bind off, but am wondering about doing one that produces a flat join, not one with a ridge. Can anybody help?? Thanks
Flat 3 needle bind off
Is there such a thing? You get a flat seam on the outside with regular 3 needle bind off when you hold the right sides together, with the ridge on the inside. If you’re knitting two sides together, I don’t think you can get a completely flat seam.
You can try Kitchener Stitch. That allows you to weave live stitches together without a seam.
Since this is my first post at KnittingHelp, I can’t post the link.
So, I’ll copy-and-paste the directions.
"Flat 3-needle bind off
With wrong sides facing, hold both pieces in left hand. Using third needle in right hand, knit together first stitch of each needle, bring wool forward, purl together next stitch of each needle, lift first st on right needle over second and off. Take yarn back and continue alternating knit and purl sts while casting off.
This cast off (bind off) is fairly elastic so ideal for this project."
You can find the whole page if you paste this into your browser’s address bar: users.netaccess.co.nz/major/gallery/tonishawl/tonishawl.htm
Hope this helps someone!
I’ve never tried the knit and purl bind off suggested here, I’ll have to try it. But I have found that if you purl rather than knit for the 3 needle bind off it makes less of a seam, flatter, but nonexistent.