Fixing unraveled icord

Hello! I had to unravel 5 rows of my icord (added as I go - not after). How do I rebuild it while keeping each row attached to the multi-colored body?
Appreciate any pointers!

Welcome to the forum!

What is the name of your pattern and designer? It looks like lovely knitting and a pretty cable pattern.
Are the loose loops up near the needle the stitches that were part of the I-cord? You might lay them out as shown in this tutorial.

Then it will be clearer how to ladder up the I-cord, incorporating the edge sts. It looks like there are more than 5 pattern rows. Was the I-cord only attatched on some of those rows?
Of course, there’s always ripping out but this is worth a try to aviod that solution.

I’m not sure if the initial problem was in one stitch of the I-cord but here’s a neat way to fix a mistake without unraveling the entire cord (see 2:00min).

Thank you! It is a lovely yarn, a Malabrigo. I’m not following a particular pattern but doing a temperature blanket in sand cable stitch. It’s wonderful to work with.

You’re right, it is more like 10 rows.
No, the loose pieces are ends that haven’t yet been woven in. Here’s a cleaner photo.

I actually did watch that video before I posted, but because it’s not just one dropped

stitch and it includes connecting to existing rows, I’m at a loss. (I usually would go to my neighborhood store with wonderful help, but I’m traveling internationally and really don’t want to see this aside for three weeks!)

Grateful for any pointers! I’d put myself at a low intermediate level as far as knitting.

A larger view, for context.

And I am studying the first blog diagrams. :blush:

You could take a length of the white yarn and use it to continue the I-cord, pulling the end through the current yarn stripes at the edge to attach it. Once you’ve gotten to the current sts on the needle you can continue as usual until the strand of white yarn comes near the end, then attach the strand leading from the ball of white yarn and continue.
The I-cord is a terrific place to hide yarn ends.
It’s a little fussy and will probably take about as much time as ripping out but it should work.

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I’ll give it a try. Thank you!