Fixing gusset stiches after

Hi again!

I am relatively new a knitting socks. I have only knitted one pair before the ones im currently knitting. I have to say… picking up gusset stitches are my weakness… I seem to always mess it up.

The picture below shows the gusset stitches are very loose, and when I wear the sock, it makes some gaps…obviously not desired.

My question is, is there a way that I can go back in and make those stitches tighter so the dont have gaps? They socks are pretty much complete so undoing my work really isnt an option. I have briefly heard of a duplicate stitch that is used for fixing holes etc… would that work?
Any advice would be amazing! I really love these socks and I am really proud that I could knit something this nice so soon…but this part is so ugly it is annoying me haha!!

The socks look lovely, very pretty.
You could take a length of yarn at the bottom of the gusset and ladder up the gaps as you would a dropped stitch. Then weave in the ends of that initial stitch down there at the bottom. If possible you might even be able to pick up a loop at the bottom of the line without having to fill in with a new strand of yarn. Check to make sure this isn’t creating a hole however.

It’s like this video, laddering up from the right side. If you find that simply picking up the ladder as knit sts isn’t closing the gap enough, you can twist the stitch as you ladder up. That may even create a bit of a decorative gusset edge.

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