I’ve had a terrible time working the Candle Flame Shawl pattern. After finding the correction for the pattern I tried to do it again. I’d say I’m about half-way through now and I came across a problem. I had only knitted 3 instead of 4 knit stitches in one of the little pattern pieces a few pieces back. So, I ripped out the stitches back to that point and started knitting again. Then I realized I had a gaping hole. Somehow, when I ripped the K,YO,K I didn’t get it back on the needles right and know its just like this little ladder of yarn.
I’m not sure what to do now. I started ripping out a row to see if I could get past it and it just seemed to make it worse. I REALLY don’t want to have to frog this whole thing.
Can anyone give me some instructions about fixing dropped (K,YO,K) stitches?
Oh, and I just saw about using a lifeline. That would have been incredibly helpful. Now I’ll just have to wait til I figure this out to put one in.