Fix hole at beginning of work?

Hi, I am working on a skirt and it was going along great until my dog grabbed it off the ottoman and managed to remove the needle guards and a good deal of the work. I got it back on the needle and picked up dropped stitches and I think that part is salvageable. However, there is now a strange hole towards the beginning of the work that I am not sure how to fix. It’s like a stitch was pulled out there but the yarn is not broken. I could keep knitting but am worried it will turn into a bigger hole or something. Any suggestions? I tried to attach pictures but it wouldn’t let me.

I appreciate any help with this! I would hate to take out several inches of this skirt.

It was probably a snagged stitch, the ones on both sides of it may be tiny because the yarn got pulled from them. So with the tip of your needle or a crochet hook, ease the yarn from the loop back into them. Stretch it sideways a little to help pull the yarn away from the snag and into the other stitches.