
My first child (Shannon) with her first child (Charysa):

And this is Charysa with her first son, Baby J!

This is 3 wk old Baby J, wearing his first sweater, knit by great-gramma (me)! Go Huskies!

Beautiful girls and an adorable lil grand. I miss my first and only daughter and my 5 yr old twin grands. They live in Maine and I am in NC. Often, I feel I have missed out on alot not being able to see them every day or week. This “Mimi” has knitted them scarves and afghans.

I always feel bad when family becomes geographically separated!
I know it’s often times unavoidable, but it’s still sad when grandchildren don’t have a gramma’s lap to snuggle into. I suppose it’s better to be a close family from a distance than feuding family that lives almost next door to each other!

What a beautiful family. Baby J is lovely, the perfect model baby. Best of health and much happiness to you all!

Congratulations! What a lovely family! I, too, have a daughter expecting a baby in September. It’s a girl! She’s on the West Coast but they’re selling their house and moving back home. I can hardly wait! We’re on a streak. This baby will be the fifth generation of firstborn girls.

What a beautiful post.

Y’all must all marry young. The two in the top picture look like sisters, and you don’t look old enough to be mother to either one of them! I’m still getting used to the idea of you being a grandma and now you’re a great! Amazing!

And I love the sweater!

Thanks for the pictures, ArtLady. They’re great. Your daughter and granddaughter are both beautiful. J looks very alert (he’s really paying attention) in the picture of him in your sweater. Go Huskies! Whoever they are. :lol:

What a beautiful family! So nice to have all those generations together that’s for sure!

I had Shannon when I was just 18. She had Charysa when she was 20. Charysa had Baby J at the age of 25. We’re improving!

But I’m the one that had time to give birth to 5 children!

Maybe I’ll live to hold Baby J’s first child in my arms! When he’s 20, I’ll be 82! When he’s 25, I’ll be 87! In our family, reaching 80+ is entirely in the cards, barring unforeseen circumstances, of course.

What a beautiful family you are blessed with. The baby is a doll and the sweater looks cool on the little dude. Of course, you will reach waaay into the 80’s and hopefully make the century mark. Those kids will keep you young.

I agree with Rose. Beautiful family. I am in Waynesville, NC and my daughter is in Florida. Married 2 years and hoping for a baby in the near future. I will be very tempted to move to Florida when a baby comes along.

You have a beautiful family.