My first granddaughter was born today. Emma Lou is 7 lbs 13 oz and 20 inches long. No pictures yet. My daughter and her husband are clear across the country in Seattle.
First grandbaby just born
Congratulations! :yay:
Here’s the first pic of our Emma Lou.
Awww she’s so cute! I see lots of baby girl knits for you in the future!
Woohoo! Woohoo! Woohoo! Sorry to imitate Daffy Duck, but this is cause for celebration!
She’s sure to steal your heart. What a cutie!!!
Have fun, Grandma!
Here she is coming home from the hospital. She’s wearing the socks I knit for her over her hands and the cupcake hat.
AAAAAHHHHH…so sweet:cheering:
Congratulations!! There is nothing better than being a grandma. All the love without feeling like you’re responsible for her future. You can just be the one who loved her unconditionally.
Congratulations and all best wishes! What a perfect baby girl. She’s going home to all sorts of lovely, soft knitted items, too.
Congratulations! Such a sweet baby! And oh, so cute in this hat!
Congratulations ! She’s adorable and I love the cupcake hat.