Finished Item Advent calendar

So I’ve been knitting mini stockings for an advent calendar for my grandson.

I have the pattern down pat and have been knitting in between other projects.

The “embroidery” is not so cool……… :laughing: But I figured a couple of things. He’s 2, he doesn’t care. Nonna made it, so he doesn’t care.

Also, it’s my first try, so it makes it special. Right? Lol.

Either way I’m pretty chuffed with what I’ve done so far.

Just need to do a star for the top now.


I like!!! I’m a number of decades past two and think these are adorable.


Fantastic, he’s going to love this way beyond being 2!
It’s lovely.
My son has a pocket advent from when he was a baby (not a patch on yours, ours is a bought one, not nearly as nice) and I used to put little secret messages in each pocket about some Xmas type activity we would do that day - making a tree decoration, sending cards, writing a letter to santa, going to the local toddler group Xmas party, making strawberry Santa’s etc. It was so much fun,


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That’s perfect and perfectly adorable! I love the idea of a daily activity or secret message, Creations. Although my mind immediately went to, a place to hide chocolate kisses. Who wouldn’t love this advent calendar?


Such a lovely and creative advent calender!

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I love it! That’s a real heirloom. And I love the embroidered numbers.

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It’s fabulous! Must be extra hard to embroider on top of garter stitch, which is inherently lumpy. You SHOULD be chuffed!

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So beautiful :heart_eyes::heart::heart::heart:

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Wow, that’s really cool!

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Thank you everyone. My DiL sent a video of him saying thank you Nonna. It’s adorable.

DiL’s mum asked if I could make one for her, but with bigger stockings to fit a miniature bottle of wine in :rofl:

This is it stuffed and with the star. It was really hard finding something small enough to fit the stockings… Next year I’ll probably put actual coins in them instead.


That’s a very clever Advent calendar! No wonder you have requests for more. Well done.


Getting small things can require a lot of effort! I know from experience!
One of the things my son has enjoyed is getting a xmas sticker in each pocket. Each day he gets a sticker and it goes on a Xmas scene put up on a wall or cupboard door. The last few years the scene is a table cloth I found which is intended for kids to colour in. It is white with Xmas images to colour in. Instead of going on the dining table I cut it to size to cover the cupboard doors in our dining room. So, he colours some in , or any guests can colour some in, and he adds the stickers. I never thought I would reuse it but as the past few years have gone by it has been great to add to and it becomes more and more colourful.

Loving the finished calendar.


That’s a really great idea!

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