Finding # of cast on stitches

Hi all, new here. I’m starting a hat pattern, and cannot for the life of me figure out how many stitches to cast on to start!

if you look inside, it’s page 26


Its a trial and error game. You have to cast on a certian amount of stitches and see if that’s the width you need for the project. It depends on the type of yarn and needle size. It’s always going to be different depending on that.

When I started knitting I kept track in a notebook of the gague’s. Most people make swatches but I just write it down.

I’m a newbie too, but I tried your link and I can’t get to page 26, this may be why none of the wise ones have answered yet. you might spell out the instructions.

For anyone to answer you properly (for your specific pattern) we really need to see the pattern, and your link doesn’t show the pattern.

Does it give you several options for casting on? Does it give sizes, and then numbers to cast on?