My MIL always gets me a gift card to a clothing store for Christmas and I always end up using it to buy my husband clothes b/c there are so few stores that I can shop at to get tall stuff that fits well. Anyway, I literally left a note on the fridge for the hubby this year that said “I need a gift card to LYS not a gift card to buy you clothes” and WOOOHOOO I got a very generous gift card to my new LYS from my MIL !!! Guilt free yarn shopping !! Now if I can just get hubby home from work to hang out with our son so I can go guilt-free yarn shopping alone…now that would be heaven
Finally got a GC to a LYS!
:happydance::happydance: I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a GS for a yarn store or site. What are they thinking!?
Yay! That’s awesome that he got the message and passed it on.
I got a $25 one from my youngest to Knitpicks this year. :cheering:
Perfect! Enjoy every minute at the yarn store.
YES! I do hope you get to go alone; in fact, you really MUST go to a LYS alone, not with hubby or child along. Otherwise, how can you truly enjoy the paradisical bliss of it all?
Surely you could try for a sitter.
Jan - that’s awesome you got knitting money too ! :woot:
Woodi - my son is only 18months and I have yet to be brave enough to leave him with a sitter other than my mom
The GC is a triple WOOHOO b/c I left my full-time job when my son was born and as a result of that my yarn budget dried up and disappeared. and…nobody (other than hubby) knows yet, but I am pregnant again so this means I can make the new baby a blanket just like I made my son !!