Felted Bowl

Does anyone know of a pattern to make a felted bowl or small box? I would love to make one for a friend that lives in Florida. She made me a bird bath out of a water lilly leaf and I want to reciprocate.

Sparkei :knitting:

There used to be on Knit Picks but I can’t find it anymore. I did find this one on Knitting Pattern Central though…http://knitwithkt.blogspot.com/2007/08/40-years-felted-bowl.html

Thanks, that’s very cool and pretty much what I was looking for.

Here are a few more:

Shallow Felted Bowl

Ruffled Felted Bowl

Spring Colored Felted Bowl

40 Years Felted Bowl

Felted Basket

This one isn’t free, but man, is it adorable: :slight_smile:

Very Special Things

These are not free patterns but very nice. I’ve done a few of them!


do you have the one skein book? it really is a worthwhile purchase my knitting group have made a number of their projects and one was the felted bowl and it is very easy!