February Ladies Sweater

Schaefer Miss Priss; 5 skeins, size 7 needle.

My first foray into a lace pattern.

The colors are not as wonky as the picture would indicate, think it’s my camera. The verigated colors flow nicely, there is no abrupt color change as the picture would make it appear. I have not blocked yet, will do that this weekend.

oops forgot the picture:teehee:

I like that. It looks so comfortable. It is nice as you show it there, over long sleeves and will work for spring too.

Pretty! That’s on my list of projects!

Ginny, that is beautiful!

Oh that is just so lovely!! that is on my list of projects! you will have to model it for us!

[COLOR=“DarkOrchid”]What a lovely sweater!:thumbsup:


It’s lovely Ginny,and the colors look just fine. Did you enjoy making it?

Lovely work:cheering:

It’s great! It’s also on my list of things to knit, right after I finish a baby sweater gift and slipper socks for my hubby. It’s going to be the first thing I knit for myself! I hope it turns out as nice as yours!

Looks lovely. Great work.

Looks great. nice colour.

That came out great! It’s in my queue too :wink:

Yep, it’s been in my queue for months now. It might just be the first thing that I knit for myself this year.

Great sweater, Ginny! You really did a nice job on it and I hope you’ll enjoy wearing it!

YES and No… it is a VERY easy pattern and comes together beautifully. It was also my first “lace” pattern, once I got the hang of it and figured out to use stitch markers it was a piece of cake. But it did get a tad monotonous after awhile.

:happydance:it looks great!

:passedout: that is a gorgeous sweater ! I clearly need to quit my job and spend more time knitting. As long as it takes me to finish a pair of socks for the hubby, I’d never get a project like that on the FO list.

It looks beautiful! Great job!