Fashion Cable knit Bag trouble

I’m having trouble trying to knit the Fashion Cable knit Bag on the Micheal’s website.

Has anyone made this bag?
Does anyone have any tips on trying to knit this project?


I like the pattern - exactly where are you having trouble? I do notice that they have a typo in the cable pattern instructions - T5B = Slip next 3 sts onto a cable needle and leave at back of work. K2. then P1, [COLOR=“Red”]K2 from cable needle. [/COLOR] I think that should be K3 from the cable needle, not K2.

If that is not where you are having problems… post exactly where and what you are stuck with… that will help those on the board to help you get knitting in the right direction.

I got stuck on how to set up the rows. But I figured it out.

Row 1: P2. T3F. P1. T3B. P3. T3F. P1. T3B. P2.,C5F.K3 _____ *P2. T3F. P1. T3B. P3. T3F. P1. T3B. P2. ______ C5F,K3, P2. T3F. P1. T3B. P3. T3F. P1. T3B. P2.


Slip next 3 sts onto a cable needle and leave at back of work. K2. then P1, [COLOR=red]K2 from cable needle. [/COLOR]I think that should be K3 from the cable needle, not K2.

No the pattern is right. You slipped 3 sts onto the needle, but you p1 and knit 2 from it. That’s the 3 sts.

Oops! Thanks Suzeeq - I don’t what I was thinking… I guess I can’t add after working all day… :sleepy:

Thanks for the catch.

JWRknit25 I’m glad you figured it out. Post a picture when you finish the bag.

Happy knitting:knitting: