Fair Isle Floats Solved! I'm an Idiot

Okay…I figured out my problem and now I understand why no one could really understand my questions…:aww:

Since this was my first time EVER using circulars…I should try using them as circulars and not…sigh…straight needles with a cable between them:teehee:

Bear with me, people…I’ll get it right someday :eyes:

Thanks for all the help!!

I use circs to knit flat all the time.

So, what did you discover about the floats?

Hi Knitting_Guy,

What I found myself doing was getting all the stitches knitted onto my right needle and then instead of continuing [I]in the round[/I], I would switch the needles in my hands and knit again, so in essence, using them as straight needles to where I had a flat piece of work instead of a tubular piece of work.  It was so basic that I totally overlooked it when I was worried about the floats.  Now I understand why all my floats should be and WILL be on one side :)