Fabric knitting ? Advice please

Hi everyone, :slight_smile:
I’m new to knitting, but fancy trying knitting with fabric, perhaps make some cushion covers, or a purse etc
Does anyone know if i can buy a kit or yarns for this in the UK please? think it would be about 5cm wide

Asking before i buy fabric (really don’t fancy all that cutting) just to see if i like fabric knitting … :aww:

thanks, and do love this site and admire all you great knitters :yay:

Dee xx

Sorry, I don’t know about shops in the UK that might carry this. They do exist, though. Over the past 1 or 2 I’ve seen fabric knitting kits at our local Walmarts here in the States. Seems they were usually for smallish projects - purses and such.

Years ago I had 4-5 yards of a cotton weight fabric. I made a skirt and then cut several yards into 1/2"-3/4" strips and knit a matching vest.

Not having done any fabric knitting, or seen information on this techniques my thoughts may be out of line.

Would ripping be quicker/easier than cutting?

This is a good book about it, and the price for a used copy is only a couple of pounds: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Fast-Fun-Easy-Fabric-Knitting/dp/1571203036/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1264691722&sr=8-5

Thanks for replies :thumbsup:
and the book link will have a peek … x

[B]cacunn,[/B] I never thought about ripping, sounds a good idea! will it go straight? guess i could try it would be quicker …

mmm looks like i’m going to have to do it myself!
was being lazy, and more interested in the knitting part :x:

Will be fun finding some cloth to use :woot:

thanks again,
[I]Dee xx[/I]

[B]Sandy,[/B] thanks have just ordered a copy of that book got a 2nd hand one for £3.75 as it was in the UK …
[I]Dee xx[/I]

When I sew a casual kilt for myself I rip the 6 plus yards rather then cut it. Works fine, you might have to pull the material a little to straighten it but it still save a lot of time.

Or if you are going to do a lot Joann Fabrics has a Simplicity Rotary Cutting Machine that might work.

On sale for $59.99.

Oh! i like that machine would make some great edges by the looks too,
will bear that or something like it in mind, if i enjoy and produce some items after a trail run…
many thanks

[I] Dee xx[/I]

When I made that sweater vest, I can’t remember if I cut it with the grain or diagonal. Diagonal you would have to cut it, if you go with the grain ripping will work. I remember the edges of the ‘fabric yarn’ did have a bit of a ‘fuzzy’ edge as it it’d had been ripped, but that could have also developed over time by washing it. I made this back in the mid-70’s and no longer have it.

