Ever knitted with 2 different color yarns held together?

I am working on a baby blanket right now and it is soooo tedious. I am kicking myself for using baby acrylic. (Knitting for a vegan family, no wool, boohoo).

I keep thinking I wish I’d held the yarn double (ie different pattern) so I could be done faster. What would it look like if you held one each of 2 different colored strands?

Just things I’m musing about to pass the time as I knit this biiiig blanket. :knitting: Next time - booties.:teehee:

You’d need to use bigger needles so it won’t be stiff, and less stitches to get the same size, but it would go a lot faster and give a tweedy or variegated look to the yarn.

Yes, definitely bigger needles… Now I am so curious imagining this tweedy yarn that I might have to knit up a swatch. AFTER I finish this never-ending blanket!

Are there mischievous knitting elves that come in the night and rip 10 rows out of this thing? :slight_smile: Actually I guess that wouldn’t be an elf, what is that called, a creature that un-does work that’s been done? I am blanking on it.

I can only think of Penelope who wove by day then ripped out her work at night since the suitors eating & drinking her out of house & home had agreed to wait until she had finished her father-in-law’s shroud to force her to choose one of them to marry. After 4 years they figured it out.

[FONT=“Book Antiqua”][FONT=“Fixedsys”][INDENT][SIZE=“1”] ‘So spake she, and our high hearts consented thereto. So then in the day time she would weave the mighty web, and in the night unravel the same, when she had let place the torches by her. Thus for the space of three years she hid the thing by craft and beguiled the minds of the Achaeans; but when the fourth year arrived and the seasons came round, then at the last one of her women who knew all declared it, and we found her unravelling the splendid web. Thus she finished it perforce and sore against her will. But as for thee, the wooers make thee answer thus, that thou mayest know it in thine own heart, thou and all the Achaeans! Send away thy mother, and bid her be married to whomsoever her father commands, and whoso is well pleasing unto her. But if she will continue for long to vex the sons of the Achaeans, pondering in her heart those things that Athene hath given her beyond women, knowledge of all fair handiwork, yea, and cunning wit, and wiles—so be it! Such wiles as hers we have never yet heard that any even of the women of old did know, of those that aforetime were fair-tressed Achaean ladies, Tyro, and Alcmene, and Mycene, with the bright crown. Not one of these in the imaginations of their hearts was like unto Penelope, yet herein at least her imagining was not good. For in despite of her the wooers will devour thy living and thy substance, so long as she is steadfast in such purpose as the gods now put within her breast: great renown for herself she winneth, but for thee regret for thy much livelihood. But we will neither go to our own lands, nor otherwhere, till she marry that man whom she will of the Achaeans.’[/SIZE][/INDENT][/FONT][/FONT]
Homer, [U]The Odyssey[/U]: Book II

I knitted a little poncho with 2 colors held together. I did have to rip out a time or two to get the color combination right but it turned out cute.


Sorry for the ravelry picture but the actual picture is on a different computer.

Two colors can come out nice or just the opposite. Do a little swatch to test the color combination.

Most of the knitting I’ve done in the last little while has been with 2 strands held together. I usually have them in separate bowls on the floor and just pull them up as I need them. There’s a bit of tangling but not too much with this method.
I tried winding the two balls into one but found it was just easier to do it the other way.
When I do two yarns together it is usually because the yarn I have is not the recommended weight that the pattern calls for. Putting two together often solves this problem… and, depending on what you are looking for, you can have two different colours so that they bounce off each other or two that compliment each other very well.
So far I have combined a dark yellow with a varigated green in a hat. They look so nice together.
But I have a lot of gray and black I’m knitting up to de-stash and they look really good together as well.
One of the best things, I think, about using two strands together is the surprise you get at the end of the knitting from the patterns the two have formed. So lovely…
TEMA :knitting:

[Shameless Plug]The blankets that are being knit for the Oddball Pet Snuggle Blanket project in the Charity Knitting forum are all two strands of two different color yarns held together. There are lots of finished and in progress photos in the thread if you would like to see some examples.

In these projects, the blankets are each made with five different color combinations, each made up of two different colored yarns.

Here’s are a few that were recently completed and donated to local pet shelters by the last knitter of each blanket:

[/Shameless Plug]

Are you talking about the baby sport weight? They say the proper needle is about a 3. But I’ve knitted sweaters and blankets with it as high as a 7 and it’s been okay, if that helps.