Eunnyjang customer service

Just need to rant. . .I ordered something from eunnyjang’s website and it never came through. Two solid weeks of email later and no one has replied! I brought this up at my knitting group this week and 2 other people said they were having trouble as well-- 1 said that she had asked for help with a eunny jang pattern, and the other had a problem with a download. Both had sent several emails and both had received no reply. WE ARE NOT HAPPY!!!:tap:

I hate to be cliche, but hang in there “good things come to those who wait” :stuck_out_tongue:

No really though…I really hope that works out for you…Customer service can suck (from both ends…working it or waiting for it!)

You did notice that basically hasn’t been updated since august of '07?

You did notice that basically hasn’t been updated since august of '07?

But she keeps her to-buy patterns available and states that she’s reachable by email, Ravelry, etc…

Have you tried contacting her via Ravely (if you’re on it) or through the Interweave Knits website? (she’s the new editor)

Good luck, that’s crummy to not get your pattern.

MMario, I didn’t know that-- but it’s probably telling. And thanks, Hamalee, for that info as well-- didn’t know that either, but I will try to contact her through those sites. I still think this is pretty shoddy business, to keep selling through the site if there isn’t really any assistance available, but we’ll see what happens.
Thank you both!:muah: