Estimating yarn used for garment elements

Some years ago I remember reading a rough estimate on yarn use for elements of a garment. Something like 1/3 for front, 1/3 for back, and 1/3 for sleeves and bands/finishing … but I’m not sure whether I’ve remembered it correctly.

It might have been an article in Interweave Knits. Does anyone remember this or do you have an estimate of your own?


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That’s the estimate that I use as well. Of course it varies with pattern stitches or lace panels but in general, it holds up pretty well.

Here are some length estimates to add to that:

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What a great thing to know!

I have been wondering a similar thing because I would like to switch colours for parts of a sweater or top and wonder how much that will need.

Always picking up great tips here. Thanks for a really useful question and answer.

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Oh good, I did remember right! I am going to weigh my current project and report back.

Sigh … I need to order one ball extra of yarn and pay postage!

These things happen. Good that you’ve figured it out now.

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