Endagered children western WA/OR

just wanted to help get this info out…

[video (commerical plays first)](javascript:void(window.open(‘http://cosmos.bcst.yahoo.com/up/ylocalnews?ch=4226712&cl=5847963&lang=en’,‘playerWindow’,'width=792,height=666,scrollbars=no’)):wink:

news report

police press release

puyallup police public notices(scroll down to ‘press releases’)

endagered children, 2 african american girls, between the ages 5-8, possibly twins, likely related, named “Shyann” and “Lexis”
I cannot even imagine what has happened and i just felt the need to help get this info out. Please, if you know anything or recognize the women in the photos, please PLEASE call the puyallup police and tell them what you know.

I am praying for these girls and for any other victims. :pray:

Thanks for taking the time to check these links!

Oh, sweet Jesus.

Why are people so sick?

Those poor kids. I hope they find them, catch the perverts responsible, and toss them into general population in the meanest lockup they can find. The other prisoners will gie the responsible parties a taste of their own medicine.

Jeanius, thanks for posting this. The more people who are aware of this, the more likely the kids are to be found.

link to the video not working,& no photo of the woman.

I don’t know why I am still amazed at the cruelty and evilness that some people contribute to this world. Those poor children.

there is just nothing I can say. Prayers. For EVERYONE.