Elann's pakucho organic cotton

hey there,

there is a LYS going out of business that has a TON of this that I was drooling over tonight in anticipation (going tomorrow) but Elann sells it for $2.98 which is less still than their 50% off sale.
I already wrote Elann, but in case they don’t get back to me in time for my LYS trip, does anyone know if this is like the [I]same exact[/I] Pakucho organic that you would find in a LYS? It seems too good to be true! The label on their site clearly reads “Made in Peru for elann.com,” and their website only mentions that it is “mill direct” and that’s what accounts for the savings… Not sure if that’s an appropriate question to ask them, either, so don’t know if they’ll respond. Anyone?
Thanks! :slight_smile:

ETA: The site also says “price for this quality is $7.50” and this usually retails closer to $9… is that an indicator you think?

I got some of that from elann a while back. I’ll check out the label when I get home. It’s nice stuff, regardless. I don’t have any to compare it to, though.

Wish I was near you, I am buying up all the sale cotton I can for ababy stuff for my soon to be GRANDBABY!!!

Here’s what the label on the elann Pakucho says.