Edit--KP's Shamrock Yarn

This is an edit—since the other 2 yarns I asked about didn’t seem like they’d felt. Has anyone used/felted the Shamrock wool from Knit Picks? I’m just curious the colors/how they’d turn out knitted.

Thanks in advance, and sorry for all the questions. :oops:

I think the booga wants a worsted weight yarn-- check out Wool of the Andes or Wool of the Andes hand dyed-- I’ve heard they felt quite well.

The Booga does need worsted weight. I made some of of KP’s Wool of the Andes and it felts great.

The pattern calls for worsted, but i knew someone who used a bulky weight and it turned out really well. You just have to use a larger (13 or 15) needle size.

Thanks for the help! I just want some yarn that is decently priced (mainly because I’m a little tight on money right now, trying to pay a few loans :-x ) but that has a pattern such as stripes.

Has anyone felted any of the red colors in the WOTA yarn? I might just buy a shade of red.

edit----or the Shamrock? I sort of like that one :heart:

Thanks again for the help. :heart:

The WOTA reds felt beautifully! The colors are so deep and rich :inlove: All of the WOTA colors are, actually.

just stay away from the cherry blossom unless you are looking for bright vibrant hot hot pink.

Yes…it does pinkify a bit, doesn’t it? :rofl:

Do you have a personal favorite? With felting, does the color change that much? I guess because I’ve never done it, I don’t really know what it would do :doh:

I’m debating between Firecracker Heather and the Black Cherry Heather. But I like that Iron Ore too. And a couple of the blues, like Blueberry & Winter Night.

So many decisions!

I just like the Shamrock because it has multiple colors, which I think would be fun for the Booga Bag. :heart:

Yes…it does pinkify a bit, doesn’t it? :rofl:[/quote]

Yikes! :shock: Well then I’ll stay away from that! :teehee: I really like deep rich reds/blues/greens.

I haven’t tried the shamrock for felting…
:shrug: It IS 100% peruvian wool though… just like WOTA.

WHOOOA… it makes it hard to look at the wota colors when they’re all mised up like that…


I know. It’s scroll up, scroll down, up, down… :zombie: I’m trying to compare all the different reds, and I can’t keep up! :rofl:

:pout: They’ve split the colors!!! That’s so not right! :-x

Cranberry and Hollyberry are gorgeous when felted. Which you choose just depends on how dark and deep you want the red.

I made a pair of felted clogs in the black cherry and it came out beautifully! My mom really loved them.

When felting, does it stay relatively similar to the shade it started out? Or does it lighten a bit?

To be honest when you felt things melt into each other. The shamrock will not give you defined colors when felted. It might be hard to see the highlighting colors.

What might be better is if you go with WOTA and double strand with two diff colors that you like.

One thing you need to be careful of when felting red, is the possibility of it bleeding into any light colors.

I made a purse for my niece with cranberry and fog WOTA. Cranberry body with the fog used as the trim and handles. It felted great, but after it was dry I needed to shave it to get the pink tinge off the grey trim. I even threw two ‘color catcher’ sheets in when I felted to soak up as much of the excess dye as possible. They came out almost as dark a red as the yarn.

Trying to shave I-cord can be VERY interesting :?? :doh: :rofl: I love the dark reds too, but next time I’m going to felt red I’ll use a darker accent color - like black! :teehee:

I’ve also used the Shamrock to make two sweaters, and the colors are great in the FOs, but I haven’t used any to felt yet. I’m thinking it might give you a kind of ‘heathered’ effect when felted. It would be fun to try sometime. I was just commissioned to do a pair of felted mittens, and Dougherty or Doyle might be good choices. :happydance: The weight of the Shamrock is just a [size=5]little[/size] heavier than WOTA, but not a lot.

Have fun with your Booga! :happydance:
