One thing you need to be careful of when felting red, is the possibility of it bleeding into any light colors.
I made a purse for my niece with cranberry and fog WOTA. Cranberry body with the fog used as the trim and handles. It felted great, but after it was dry I needed to shave it to get the pink tinge off the grey trim. I even threw two ‘color catcher’ sheets in when I felted to soak up as much of the excess dye as possible. They came out almost as dark a red as the yarn.
Trying to shave I-cord can be VERY interesting :?? :doh: I love the dark reds too, but next time I’m going to felt red I’ll use a darker accent color - like black! :teehee:
I’ve also used the Shamrock to make two sweaters, and the colors are great in the FOs, but I haven’t used any to felt yet. I’m thinking it might give you a kind of ‘heathered’ effect when felted. It would be fun to try sometime. I was just commissioned to do a pair of felted mittens, and Dougherty or Doyle might be good choices. :happydance: The weight of the Shamrock is just a [size=5]little[/size] heavier than WOTA, but not a lot.
Have fun with your Booga! :happydance: