Edge of blanket worked seperately

Hello all. I am going to knit Tumbling Blocks Blanket - Afghan Knitting Pattern For Home in Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Chunky by Debbie Bliss. It instructs to knit the edges separately. I am wondering why I can’t knit the moss stitch edge at each end of the patterned row. Same-sized needle and yarn weight. Any ideas? Thanks.


I don’e see why not. The corners aren’t treated specially as far as I can see (e.g.mitred corners). I think your solution is simpler and neater. You would need to cast on enough sts to include the side edging from the beginning.

There is one note from the single Ravelry project that more yarn was needed whether that was due to an individual knitter or the pattern itself, I don’t know.


I did a tumbling blocks baby blanket (not this pattern, I think I just figured out gauge and used a chart) with garter borders knit at the same time. It turned out fine. I might have decided to do some short rows on the border for row gauge compensation but I’m not certain. If your border is looking like it needs more rows to lie flat and not pull vertically then we can help you with that. I also discovered I could hide a misplaced knit or purl with duplicate stitch. Those sneaky mistakes hide until I’m sure it’s all done.

edited for typos


Maybe it says to knit it separately because it’s a contrasting color? If you’re doing it all in one color, it would certainly be easier to just knit it as you go.