Drops design Dog Coat - Messed up pattern

Hi All,
I am new to this web site and am desperate for some help on this pattern. I found it on ravelry and I love it. But I just realized that there is a problem with one of the cables. The pattern on Ravelry is called 102-43 Knitted dogcoat in ”Karisma” with cable pattern by DROPS Design.

Some of the people on ravelry who did the pattern commented that the American version was off from the Norwegian version. I tried to find the discrepancy but can’t. I think it’s on the cable labeled M3 in the chart since that is what is messed up for me. But I just can’t figure out the problem. My other cables for M2 and M1 look great. M3 is totally messed up. Has anyone else done this pattern and run into a similar problem?

Thanks so much!!!

Hi and Welcome to KH!

That is a cute dog sweater, I did read over some items on Ravelry and I can’t see where the cable chart is the issue. Can you take a picture so we can see what Chart 3 looking like? Could it be it needs more worked on it so the cable shows up more clearly? That is a lot of cables…I did see where some only did the main cable down the back…

Thank you for the response dustinac. Last night, I went over the pattern 10 more times. I figured out the problem. Basically, the front cross, back cross in the patterns M.1 and M.3 are reversed! So the cables looked really funny. I kept thinking that if I kept going the pattern of the cable would be clearer, but I was wrong. (This is my first time doing this type of cable!) So to anyone who does this pattern, switch the front cross and back cross in the instructions.

For example, row 2 of diagram M.3, the instructions says P3, Put 1 st on cable behind work, K3, P1 from needle, Put 3 sts on cable needle in front of work, P1, K3 from needle, P3. This is WRONG. It should be instead P3, Put sts on cable needle in front of work, P1, K3 from needle, Put 1 st on cable behind work, K3, P1 from needle, P3. This same error is in diagram M.3 on rows 6, 8, 10 as well.

On diagram M.1, there is the same error (I couldn’t see it as well because the pattern is a little more intricate. But now that I am looking at it, it’s all wrong!) The error shows up 2x in each of these 4 rows: 10, 12, 20, 22.

Thanks again for your help. Hope this clears this up for someone else.