Dropped stitches but right number of loops?

Hi there,
I’m trying to find out what is going on here. It looks like I have dropped stitches (I can see the ladders) but I have the right number of loops. This happened after an accidental yarn-over (that I then dropped on the next row). Could anyone help me? And let me know the best way to proceed? Thank you! (I have attached three photos - let me know if they aren’t showing up!)
Uploading: 575A3F0F-774B-48AC-9B81-1AEFAF3DEFB7.jpeg… Uploading: C3BF8B12-7EAA-452B-AE24-A06A00E2C7EB.jpeg…

Welcome to the forum!
Your photos didn’t post perhaps because they were too large? You could size them down or use this site.

It could just be the extra yarn from the accidental yarn over youndropped. I recently spent an age trying g to find andropped stitch it made no sense whatsoever there were these huge ladders but no stitch at the end (ie something that could continue to ladder down if I pulled) and I eventually realised the problem was not a dropped stitchnat all but a massive akiunt of extra yarn. I don’t really know where it appeared from I had been cutting the bottom off a top… long story… but I fixed it by taking all the extra yarn across the row to the seam edge and just left it there to weave it in later.
If you’re knitting in the round you won’t have a seam edge to take it to. Maybe it could be taken right up the fabric and worked out. I am notnsure.

Anyway, I wouldn’t be able to tel anything from looking at photos, salmonmac is the one for real help, I just thought I’d mention my experience as you mentioned that yarn over.

Hope you manage to fix it.

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