Drop a hint to your DH

Or several as Valentines day approaches…



I think I read about this in a magazine ages ago but forgot to look up the site until now.

very great idea… hmmmmmm maybe dd would be interested.

good idea! that is so awesome!

That is so flipping cute!:heart: :inlove: :heart: We usually don’t do gifts for V-day, but I think I’ll email DH this link.:happydance:

I have this site… http://yarngiftbouquets.com/...bookmarked. Gonna figure out what I like most and send a hint or two to my husband. LOVE the colorways. :inlove:

This is a great idea, but how would it work with her being in the U.K.?

If it would, I’d definitely send the link to my DH. :heart:

If you were talking about the site I posted, I just looked and this is what it says in their shipping section:

If you are ordering from another country, please contact us so we can make arrangements for you to do so. We currently are not set up to handle international orders through our cart system, however, we will do a special order for you.

Wow, that is cool… I’ve never even had a guy give me flowers, never mind flowers with yarn…
Hmmmm… Maybe I should start dropping hints to the bf? I do have my birthday coming up as well…

Thanks Katie. I found that also after awhile, seems like it would be a lot of work for her.

I was wondering if there was an American/Canadian alternative site, thanks :slight_smile:

I think I’m going to email my DH the UK site :teehee: it’s our anniversary next month as well. I wonder how many years you have to be married to get yarn… :??:teehee:

Wow! How cool are those sites!!:yay:

cloud9 Wow… these are all amazing…

I was just looking at this one, and I noticed at the bottom of the page after yarn details

If you are sending the item as a gift, please make sure to include the address to which the item should be shipped -

:roflhard: If? I think this may be the easier solution than dropping hints… Ladies (and guys) knowing how oblivious our significant others can be to hints sometimes (you know, hints short of “I would like” and then item specified), this may just be an answer…:teehee:

[SIZE=1]For the record, I do realize that not all significant others are oblivious to hints, past experience may or may not have lead me to believe that guys (in my case) tend to have a few issues “catching” hints…:teehee: [/SIZE]

now if i could just find myself a dh. :hmm:

:roflhard: :roflhard: :roflhard: