DPN question

What length of dpns do most of you use? I want to order a set with all the sizes from ebay, but I don’t:wall: know how long to get them. I think they have anywhere from 5 to 10 inches. Please help. I will be using them for all sorts of things from hats to socks. Thanks

6" 7" or 8" dpns

I use 7" for most everything. I wouldn’t think you’d need them any longer. I have long fingers and these are the most comfortable to knit with. Hope this helps… Mary

I prefer the shorties, however, the larger size dpn’s, such as 8, 9, 10 etc…aren’t usually available as shorties. Dern it!

I prefer to use sets of 5…loading fewer stitches on the 4 holding needles, and working with the 5th needle.

The shorties don’t get in my way as much! Clang, bang, bump, sitck! :teehee: