DPN pattern to Magic loop

I am looking to make my second ever pair of socks using magic loop. I am using a DPN pattern so I have to make some changes and adjustments to make it work. My question is about the pattern below:

Turn work so that WS is facing you.
Row 1 (WS): Sl1, p16, p2tog, p1, turn work.
Row 2 (RS): Sl1, k3, ssk, k1, turn work.
Row 3 (WS): Sl1, p to 1 st before the gap, p2tog, p1, turn work.
Row 4 (RS): Sl1, k to 1 st before the gap, ssk, k1, turn work.

Since, with magic loop, the right side is always facing me, how do I turn to the wrong side? Do I even need to go the the wrong side?

Can anyone explain how to do the above pattern in magic loop

Thanks for the help!!

Welcome to the forum!
Yes, with magic loop and with dpns, you’re usually knitting on the right side of the piece. In this case however, you’re going to be knitting a heel… You’ll be only be knitting some of the sts that you have on the needle and you will need to turn to the wrong side and purl on that side.
Turn as you would at the end of a row so that you can work back on the sts you’ve just finished knitting. Don’t worry about the unworked sts. You’ll get to them later.

At about 3:20min in this video, Arne turns to the wrong side and works back. He may not be working the heel exactly as your directions specify but the idea of turning is the same, dpn or magic loop.

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Ah amazing explanation! Its a lot simpler than I thought. Thanks for your help

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