DPN for baby booties

i am working on DPN for baby booties and i divided the sts in bold now the pattern says CO 25 (29, [B]35[/B] 41

  1. join last sts cast on to the first sts, being careful not to twist the sts K row
  2. purl row2
  3. Rep steps 1-2 (knit & purl each successive row) for 8 (10,[B]15[/B]14) rows so my question is what does 3 step mean

You’ll knit one round and purl one round until you’ve completed 15 rounds.

ok thank you and an other question but i thought when you knit in the round one side is knit and the other side look purled

When you’re knitting in the round you’re really only knitting on one side of the fabric so to make stockinette you’d just knit every round. To make garter stitch you have to knit a round, then purl a round. Apparently your booties want you to have garter stitch at this point in the pattern. Just do it and it’ll make sense when you get going.

Normally when you knit in the round, you’ll knit each row and it will end up looking like stockinette stitch. If you knit one row and purl the next, it’ll end up being like garter stitch. I’ve knit this pattern. The garter stitch is the bottom of the bootie. When you sew the seam of the bootie at the cast on edges, these two garter stitch sections on each side will lie flat and form the sole.