Double Pointed Needles Knit 2 Together

Hello! I have a question regarding double pointed needles. In my pattern it says to knit 8 then knit 2 together. But when I reach the end of my knitting, there’s not 2 stitches left to knit 2 together. Is it possible to slip a stitch from the other needle and then knit 2 together, if so how would I do so? Or is there another way? Thanks for your help!!

Welcome to the forum!
In most cases yes, just slip the first stitch on the next needle purlwise onto the current needle and knit 2 together. This works for hats, sock toes, most kinds of shaping for a tube.
Your pattern may give you specific instructions however. What are you making and what is the name of your pattern?
Here’s some photos for slipping a stitch purlwise.

Thank you so much! The pattern I am using is this one: Hat Pattern
So if I only have 1 stitch left and I need to knit 2 together then do I slip a stitch purlwise from the right needle to the left then knit 2 together or am I mistaken? Thank you so much again!!

Yes exactly. Then you can leave the decreased stitch at the end of needle right needle. There may be other decreases in the middle of the needle but at least this one will always be at the end of a needle.

Thank you so much!