Double knitting chart help!

I can double knit with no problems except this chart lol Every square is a stitch instead of the normal one square is two stitches and I am having a horrible time with the runs of the same color on both sides. The yarn that is not being used when I carry it looks like it wraps around one side and covers up the stitch. It looks horrible lol


Here is a close up that is blurry but you can see the yarn wrapped

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Looks like an intriguing pattern. What is the pattern name and designer please?
You may be holding the contrast yarn to the front instead of in back when you knit the main color. If you hold it to the back it’ll pass between the two layers of knitting.

It is book lover blanket by Lisa Hannan Fox.

I knew this was gonna be difficult so I just cast on enough stitches for this chart to practice it before I start the whole blanket. It is absolutely beautiful but I don’t think I’d like it as much if I can’t figure out this chart lol

That’s a really spectacular blanket.

That was very clever to work on a test of the lettering in double knitting first. The key is to pay attention to the dark chart squares for the main color (or color 1) and the light color squares for the contrast color (color 2). One of the ways to work this is knit one side and purl the second side at the same time. The requires moving both strands together as shown here.

The other way is to work one color at a time and slip the second color. It means 2 passes of each row but it may make the letter section easier to manage.

Here is my idea to explain it. Double knit is two projects with wrong sides facing. Place your hands together palm to palm and interlace your fingers. Your fingers represent the stitches of two sides. The nuckle side are the knits and the palm side are the purls.

The unused yarn is carried between the palm side of each finger. So keep the unused yarn on the purl side of each stitch.

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Thank you I will try this, I bet it helps tremendously!

Thank you. Those videos were very helpful! I’ve never seen a double knit pattern work the same color on both sides before.

I guess that’s the simplest way to work double knitting. I’ve made the Lou Hoover baby blanket which has two colors, one on each side but no pattern. It’s just fun for historical reasons in the US.

A friend is making this delightful cowl which I saw this morning.

So I don’t know if I’m explaining this chart right, but nothing that has been suggested is helping. The specific part where I started to notice the problem is row 6 at the bottom of the D. Those stitches are my dark color on BOTH sides so I am only working with the dark color the first stitch is a knit and then the next is the purl but it is with the dark color. So when I am trying to carry light colored yarn with it, it is making those wraps and if I just leave it and don’t pick it up to work with it it will make just a long straight line over my knitting to when I use it again. Each square on this chart represents 1 stitch not 2. I am so confused and wonder if it actually works at all lol

This chart is confusing particularly so because of the letters. Don’t carry the light yarn along with the darker yarn across the side of the work facing you, the V stitch side. Just bring both yarns to the front, purl the stitch which will be on the side facing away from you. Both sides will appear as knit sides (V sts) when the piece is finished. There won’t be purl sts showing. The purl sides will all be to the inside of the piece. Carried yarn will be to the inside.

Row 6 is an even number row. Work the left side chart from left to right.
The white squares are purl sts (color B). Both yarns should be at the back. The black squares are purl sts (color A). The white squares with dots are knit sts (color B). The black squares with dots are knit (color A). The idea is that the yarn that isn’t used for the stitch gets carried in between the two sides so that you don’t see it.
It may be easier to work this chart by the “two pass” method, the method shown in the second video above. It’s easier to keep track of which side is which and which color to work where. Essentially you are working every other stitch and slipping the sts in between. On the second pass you work the sts that were slipped the first time through. At least till you get started, this method may help.

See if this video is clearer. It’s a bit slower than the Very Pink video and emphasizes bringing both yarns front or back.