Dolls blanket pattern no. KP620

Hi i’m Barbara i need help just to check really. In the pattern row8 tells me to s11 k1 psso. Do i slip all 11 over or just 1?,would really appreciate your help please.


Can you check again on the pattern. I think it is the letters s and l as an abbreviation for slip,and the number 1.
It’s more likely slip 1, knit 1, pass slipped stitch over (take it over the knit stitch and off the needle, use the left needle to lift it over and off of the right needle).

I think you might have misread the sl1 as s11

I feel silly i did recheck the pattern and it is sl 1 not s11. Thank you.

Outlook for Android

No need to feel silly, it’s an easy mistake to make, they look so similar and some fonts make it harder to distinguish the different too.

Glad you’re back on track now.