Do I need more needles?

I have Addiclicks and KP NP. I vastly prefer the Addiclicks and use them 99% of the time.

That said, I knit with cotton a fair amount and lately, I’m finding things a little too slippery - especially when purling.

I’m wondering if I need to add a set of bamboo or wood needles? I’d rather spend my limited $ on yarn, not more needles…

You might get just a couple of needles in bamboo as you need them, you might not need a full set.

Yes. When asking if one needs more yarn or more needles, the answer is always emphatically yes.


Just a quick question… you mentioned you knit a lot with cotton. I have a huge garbage bag full of balls of cotton, and besides dishcloths I have no idea what to do with the stuff. Would you mind sharing what types of things you knit with your cotton? Idea’s would be appreciated as I’d love to use this stuff up. Thanks in advance for any help you could give me.

As for needles I only have Knit Picks option needles and I use them for everything.

My first thought was “if you have to ask, of course you need more needles !” after reading your post…I don’t know, I have bamboo and don’t really care for them, I actually am trying to save money for more addi’s ! That said Crystal Palace are IMHO the best of the worst when it comes to bamboo.

ShanaHoo, if I had more energy I would change my profile pic to the Hokies for you : ) My husband always says " You know God is a Hokies fan b/c every fall he turns the leaves maroon and orange"

[quote=N0obKnitter;1337290]I have Addiclicks and KP NP. I vastly prefer the Addiclicks and use them 99% of the time.

That said, I knit with cotton a fair amount and lately, I’m finding things a little too slippery - especially when purling.

Since you already have the NP cables I would encourage you to purchase a set of Harmony tips in the size you use most often with the cotton yarn. That way you could see if the wood would work better without investing in a complete set.

I havent knitted with cotton, but am keen to try. Just my two cents though definately buy a pair first and see how you like them, they are quite cheap. I tried my 3rd scarf with bamboo because someone mentioned they liked their grip but I found they clung to my wool too much, my hands tired more quickly and they split the wool a fair bit if I wasnt very careful. It could just be that Im a tight knitter anyway but just a warning on the possible pitfalls.:frog: