I’m following a chart with some cable, traveling stitches. There are yarn overs and I notice one side of my pattern doesn’t sit right. It’s too late for this project as I’m up to the armholes but I’d love to know how to improve this for future projects.
I always YO in the same direction regardless of what comes before or after. I take my yarn forward between the needles and over the top of the right needle to the back. But now I notice an asymmetrical result in my project I am wondering is there ever a time the YO should be done the other way? Over the top of the right needle to the front then between the needles to take it to the back?
Would this result in symentrical stitches?
Below, my project and sitting on top of it marked with a red line is my swatch.
My swatch has symetrical stitches and no odd parts. It was knit back and forth, flat. Does this makes a difference to how YO works because of the purl coming across on the WS? I’ve marked the swatch with a blue square where the stitches are even.
My project though has an oddness.
I’ve marked a green square around the stitches where it happens and in the repeat below I have marked each stitch leg in green. There are 2 right legs to 1 left leg and this happens 3 times in all (I’ve marked 2, the 3rd is the next stitch above). The long left leg covers the little eyelet somewhat and is just not so neat or pretty having 2 right legs.
The project is worked in the round. Does this make a difference? It’s the only thing different between the swatch and the project.
I’d love to know what the reason is for this and how to correct it or avoid it.