I think the symbol used there is more commonly used for a k2tog or SSK but designers can use whatever symbols they want so long as they clarify how the stitch is intended to be worked, which they have here. I think this could be why you are finding it hard to find a name or tutorial for it.
I think this video will help you
It’s a 1/1 leaning cable cross but often called travelling stitches, sometimes called twisted stitches but in this pattern you are not twisting the stitch . Many videos show the travel with a knit and purl crossing but the video I found is knit with knit crossing so hopefully this will help. You can work it as it says in the pattern, and shown in the video or you can use a cable needle if you prefer, or you can reposition the 2 stitches before working them individually.
Your other question, making 2 sts from the YO, can be a KFB, knit front back, or a PFB, purl front back. You work into the front, do not let the worked stitch come off the left needle but keep it on and work into the back, then let it drop from the left needle. 2 sts on the right needle. It makes what looks like a knit and a purl.
Hope this helps.
What is the name of your pattern? Do you have a link for where it can be found?