While looking up cast-on methods, I noticed that what Amy refers to as Backwards Loop (aka Single Cast-on) [http://www.knittinghelp.com/video/play/backward-loop-cast-on] is done significantly different than how Vickie Howell does what she refers to as Single cast-on (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXWw2eMFc5k&feature=relmfu). Vickie’s version has more steps and requires you to throw the yarn while Amy’s really is just putting a backwards loop on the needle.
Also, there is significant difference between what Amy calls Knitting-On cast-on (http://www.knittinghelp.com/video/play/knitting-on-english) and what Vickie calls Knitted cast-on (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QG_4Wf3hp4U&feature=relmfu). What Vickie is calling Knitted cast-on looks like what I thought was called (and what Amy calls) Cable cast-on.
Since Amy has never failed me, I’m going with her methods but I’d be interested in what others think.