Hi there! This is my first time knitting something besides a simple garter stitch blanket, and I’m having trouble figuring out what created this hole. I just switched this project to DPNs and maybe I dropped a stitch, but I can’t quite figure out how to fix it based on tutorials, so I’m wondering if I did something else wrong. Any help would be appreciated, this is my first hat for my 4m old baby. I’d love if I didn’t have to frog it. First photo is right side, second is inside.
Diagnose this mystery error?
Welcome to KH and congratulations on the new baby!
What is the name of your pattern and designer?
It may be that the stitch marked with the red dot below didn’t get knit. If you lift the long strand (blue dot) up onto the needle and pull it through the stitch, that should solve the problem. There should then be a bump on that stitch as there is on the ones to its left.
Thank you so much and thank you for responding! The pattern is purl soho garter ear flap hat. The DPNs have really thrown me off :dizzy: the missed knit was definitely part of the puzzle, but I still have a strange hole (see photo). Any idea? I think I’m stuck with frogging
Hello and congratulations on the birth of your baby!
There’s probably an easy fix for the stitch/hole. I can’t quite figure it out fom the photo but salmonmac or another member can probably help with it.
I just stopped by to say don’t frog! No need.
Okay you have a mistake but we all get mistakes. You may be able to tink back a few stitches or maybe row/round but you don’t need to frog the whole piece.
Here’s a video for tinking, it’s a knit backwards, a way to undo stitches with control so you don’t lose them, knowing how to tink is just as important as knowing how to knit as there will be times even for experienced knitters when some stitches need working back for one reason or another
Yes, as Creations mentioned, don’t just pull this out. Tinking is much easier and safer. Less danger of dropped stitches.
It may be a loose strand that can be tightened up either side of it or it may be that you need to ladder down to the loop and pull it through the stitch. It’s not a dropped stitch but one that didn’t get completely knit (maybe). The point of the video is laddering down to make the correction.
I’ve made this hat and loved the result. A good test of short rows, too.
It looks to me like one stitch got mounted incorrectly (twisted?), or when you picked up the incomplete stitch it got set purlwise instead of knitwise? You could possibly drop down to fix it, but it might be safer to tink back.
Thank you everyone! Sharing an update… I tried to tink back a bit and ended up dropping a stitch on a s2kpass and I couldn’t figure out how to fix it. I ended up using a small circular needle as a lifeline and pulled it out a few rows to redo the whole tricky section! I finished up the hat this morning.
That hat is adorable! It’s such a clever design.
Well worth the effort, it looks perfect!