Actually it is my 2nd of the same style, but . . . this is the one I got my daughter to pose for a photo.
The center piece is a necklace that originally belonged to my grandmother who, if she were alive today would be 98 years old. I believe it’s probably from the 40’s, maybe 1950’s, since she died in 1959.
I have the pattern written out (wrote as I knitted) and will post here if anyone requests.
Designed my 1st pattern . . . A Bandeau Bikini Top
That’s adorable, but how does it stay up? :teehee:
It’s stretchy, Jan. And she doesn’t have a lot to weigh it down unlike some of us…
It is sooo sexy!! I love it!! great color and the broach is just perfect for it!!!
what a great idea. The broach is perfect in that.
Cute! Your DD has flawless skin.
very nice. beautiful colour and I love the broach.
Could you post the pattern please?
The member who posted this is no longer active. Hopefully she subscribed to this thread so she’ll find out you asked though.
Looks cool!!!
So nice! Great fit! And, a great color next to the model’s skin tone!