Aloha Amigas and Amigos-
I am making a hat for the very first time and am having some difficulty deciphering STEP 4:
1.) Cast on 158-170 sts on circular needle US 1or2 .
2.)K1 round.
3.)Continue in rib K1/P1.
4.)When rib measures 1½"-2" K1 round AT THE SAME TIME dec 30-34 sts evenly on round = 128-136 sts*
I have no idea about step 4. Does it mean to evenly take out 30 stitches from the round (meaning every 9 or so stitches I k2tog to evenly take away 30 stitches)
or does it mean every 30-34 stitches is when you decrease 1 st meaning I’ll take out only 5 or so stitches (158/30)?
Thank you for any help.