Decorative edging

I need some help with picking up stitches and adding a decorative border to a baby blanket. I am on a yarn diet and attempting to make a blanket for my niece due in Dec without buying yarn. I had 2 skeins of a varigated yarn that I used for the center of the blanket and now need to add a border to make it a more functional size…I really don’t want to do a ribbed border, do I have other options? I see people do crochetted borders all the time, but last time I tried to crochet it took me an hour to chain 3ft.

This would make a beautiful edging.

Here’s a bunch more though, too.

Is it possible to turn this into a log cabin blanket?

Yes. vaknitter has already knit her blanket though. She just needs the edging. If you’re looking to do it then go for it! It’s easy.

What are the current dimensions? It might help us point you in a more specific direction.

This might help, too.

Thank you so much for all the links ! Never even occurred to me to look at knitting pattern central.
As I’ve never added a border before should I pick-up and knit the first row of stitches with a larger needle?

I would do the border with the same size needle, possibly with a one size smaller needle depending on the border you choose. There’s a good video to help with how to pick up and how often to pick up sts on the Free Videos tab at the top of the page under Tips.