Dec for arm holes

Hello my name is Deborah I’m quite new to knitting, and I have only just joined this forum my pattern is asking me to to decrease one Stitch at each end of the next (I did that)and following 4th alternate rows I’m really not understanding what that means could someone please help me

Welcome to the forum and to knitting!
Does your pattern say “…following 4th alternate rows” or “…following 4 alternate rows”?
It’s more common to see the following 4 alternate rows.

If so and if you call the row with the decreases that you just did, row 1 then the next decreases are on rows 3,5,7 and 9. Remember to decrease at each end so there are 2 decreases per decrease row.

What is the name of your pattern?

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Thank you so much for getting back to me, my pattern says dec 1st at each end of the next and foll 4 alt rows.
My pattern is a king Cole and is number 2964DK

That’s good. So decrease on the rows noted above:
Call the row with the decreases that you just did, row 1 then the next decreases are on rows 3,5,7 and 9. Remember to decrease at each end so there are 2 decreases per decrease row.

Ty for you Ur amazing help it worked x

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