Thank you so much
Dec 1 alt rows
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What is the name of your pattern and designer?
Which size are you making, first, second, third …?
For alternate (alt) rows decrease every other row. If you need help with the front decreases as well as the raglan, just let us know.
Thank u so much for your help…
My patter is “Stance” from Kim Hargreaves (book “Adore “)
Size M
Already did the back without difficulty.
Just started the left front and I can’t figure out how to do this part…
It looks like M is the 3rd size. Call the next row, row 1. Dec at the raglan armhole on rows 1,2,3 then rows 5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23,25,27 and 29.
At the same time dec on the front on rows 3,7,11 and 15 then on rows 21 and 27.
I like to write out a column of the row numbers then check them off as I work them but whatever method you like to keep track of rows will work.
Great looking cardigan from a fabulous designer.
Thank you so very much. It seems easy, the way you put it.
One last question, do I have to follow the instructions as given for the back as well? Or I just have to knit the deceased according to your instructions?
Follow the directions for the decrease on the back for one of the raglan edges. The back must have decreases at the beginning and end of row but you will only have one raglan edge on each front.
What the pattern is asking for is really the setting of the decrease, maybe one or two sts in from the edge as on the back.
The type of decrease depends on the type used at each edge on the back. For example, a ssk is commonly used at the armhole on the left front (left as you wear the sweater) and a k2tog at the armhole on the right front. You don’t have to use those decreases but that’s generally what’s used in patterns.