Debbis Bliss cable and Teddy Bear jacket sleeve issues

I have battled my way through the body of this pattern and have now got to the sleeves.
I followed advise re increasing every 6th row so it’s not so baggy.
My problem is - I have got to the armhole and have nearly used a ball of wool, is this correct?
I am going to be short of wool if it is and no chance of buying more as it is 4 years old.

Any other suggestions for sleeve ?

Work the sleeves in a contrasting yarn. I have introduced a variegated yarn with a sold (or a solid with a variegated yarn) working 1 row of each to stretch a ball further. Make sure you divide the yarn you have left to work the sleeves equally or to use for the cuffs. Other options I have done are to make a short sleeve or a sleeveless vest.

thanks for your advice. I have considered undoing what is knitted and putting a cable section up the center in the contrasting colour.
Trouble with that plan is I am sick of cabling! I think it would look nice though.

If the picture I found is correct you already have an option to make the sleeves the same color as the teddy faces with the cuffs in the main color. I would not have the patience to undoing that much cable work. If you can set it aside for a day or two then decide what to do. Have you worked the collar? If not that could be worked in a contrast color.

Have you tried to find the same yarn that you’ve been using? Ravelry can be a good source even if you purchased the yarn a while ago. I’ve been surprised at what’s available.
If it’s not the same dye lot, you could then do as flknit5 suggests and work a couple of rows with one yarn, a couple with the second.

currently working on the collar and putting a strip of contrast in it.
Am minding my neighbours children right now and draped the body over the 4 years old, it would just fit him. My grandson, who it’s for, is only 1.
Have been going hard out to finish it as we are going to see grandies in a few days but now I know it will be too big for him I can take a bit more time to think it through.

I am making this sweater as well (what a challenge with the pattern). Almost finished with the last sleeve and ready to do all the faces. Just wondering what stitch (embroidery) you used to create the faces.

Haven’t finished it yet. Realized that it was going to be too big for Grandson this winter so have slowed. Do aim to carry on this week’
I have 1 sleeve to knit and have to put a few strips of contrast in it cos I am running out of wool. Then there is the embellishing to do.

You have been given a lot of great advice. I would like to add that if you divide the yarn you have left to work the sleeves equally as flknit5 suggested, be sure to wind/roll the balls of yarn in the same direction. It is easier for me to explain this way:
If you take two balls of yarn from the store and knit the first one from the inside tail and then work the second ball of yarn from the outside, when the light hits them just right, they will look like they are from different dye lots because the twist will be running in different directions.
I hope this makes sense.

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Thank you for that info on the yarn, it makes sense but have been guilty of doing it but wont any more.

Have wondered if it mattered if you worked from the inside of the ball.

I used to try to use the yarn from the inside and nearly always got into a tangled mess. It is hard to get rid of tangles when you have a project that won’t fit through the mess of knots. Now, before I start a yarn project, I roll my balls of yarn from the
outside using a tall bucket so it can’t take off across the room and wrap around the legs of furniture. Good Luck with your Teddy Bear jacket.